

Welcome to the RapidStream API


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl "" \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN' \

Make sure to replace ACCESSTOKEN with your API key.

In order to use the RapidStream API, you must authenticate yourself with an API key.

You can create a new API key at our customer panel. Make sure to save the key somewhere safe, as you won't be able to see it again.

Never share or commit your API key to a public repository. If you think your API key has been compromised, you can regenerate it at any time.

Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN


Ingest EPG Catalog

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'idempotency-key: YOUR-CUSTOM-UUID' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN' \

The request body:

    "id": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "episode": "string | undefined",
    "season": "string | undefined",
    "series": "string | undefined",
    "productionYear": "string | undefined",
    "duration": "string | undefined",
    "parentalRatings": "string | undefined",
    "ratings": "string | undefined",
    "language": "string | undefined",
    "keywords": "string | undefined",
    "genres": "string | undefined",
    "iabCategories": "string | undefined",
    "channelName": "string | undefined",
    "description": "string | undefined"

This endpoint ingests a catalog of content.

HTTP Request



204 - No Content

Query Headers

Parameter Default Description
idempotency-key - A unique uuid to ensure idempotency of the request
Content-Type 'application/json'
Authorization Bearer ACCESSTOKEN Replace with your access token


Parameter Mandatory Description
id x A unique id for the content
title x Content title
episode Content episode
season Content season
series Content series
productionYear Content production year
duration Content duration
parentalRatings Content parental ratings
ratings Content ratings
language Content language
keywords Content keywords
genres Content genres
iabCategories Content iab categories
channelName Content channel name
description Content description


In general there are two ways to request a VAST document. You call the synchronous or asynchronous endpoints.

Input parameters

Mandatory URL parameters

However you call the API, you need to provide the following information:

Parameter Description
adBreakDuration The duration of the ad break in seconds.

Well-known URL parameters

Next to this you may provide the following information:

Parameter Description
userId The user id of the viewer to retrieve personalized information from DMP or apply frequency capping.
epgId The epg id of the content the viewer is currently watching to resolve information from the epg catalog like title, genre, etc. See ingest fo EPG catalog.
tcf The TCF string forwarded from the player containing the viewer's consent information - see IAB Transparency & Consent Framework.
country The country code of the viewer as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
vendor The vendor id or name of the stream - useful criterion in AdRule defintions.
deviceId The device id of the player.
usPrivacy The US privacy string forwarded from the player containing the viewer's consent information regarding CPPA.
ifa The identifier for advertising from IAB Tech lab.
ifaType The type of the identifier for advertising from IAB Tech lab.
lmt The limit ad tracking flag from IAB Tech lab.

All additional key-value pairs are valid and can be put into the url, once. Multiple values for the same key are not supported. Only the latest value is used.

Request VAST synchronously

Get a VAST document synchronously

curl -X "GET" "" \
     -H 'idempotency-key: YOUR-CUSTOM-UUID' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN' \
     -H 'User-Agent: VIEWER_USER_AGENT' \
     -H 'X-Forwarded-For: VIEWER_IP_ADDRESS'

The response will look like this:

<VAST version="4.0">
    <Ad id="-m7LC9Ze" sequence="1">



200 - OK

Query Headers

Parameter Default Description
Authorization Bearer ACCESSTOKEN Replace with your access token
idempotency-key - A unique uuid to ensure idempotency of the request
User-Agent - The user agent of the viewer
X-Forwarded-For - The ip address of the viewer

URL Parameters

Please see VAST / Input parameters for more information.

Request VAST asynchronously

Request a VAST document asynchronously and receive a VAST document by webhook.

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'idempotency-key: YOUR-CUSTOM-UUID' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESSTOKEN' \
     -H 'User-Agent: VIEWER_USER_AGENT' \
     -H 'X-Forwarded-For: VIEWER_IP_ADDRESS'

The request body should look like this:

  "url": "WEBHOOK_URL",
  "secret": "WEBHOOK_SECRET"

The webhook call you will receive with the VAST document on success.

  "status": "success",
  "vastId": "0f6bbdbce0fedf518b8792dd50d50ee5",
  "vast": "<VAST version=\"4.0\">...</VAST>"

The webhook call you will receive with the VAST document on failure.

  "status": "failure",
  "vastId": "0f6bbdbce0fedf518b8792dd50d50ee5",
  "message": "error description"



204 - No content

Query Headers

Parameter Default Description
Authorization Bearer ACCESSTOKEN Replace with your access token
idempotency-key - A unique uuid to ensure idempotency of the request
User-Agent - The user agent of the viewer
X-Forwarded-For - The ip address of the viewer


Parameter Description
webhook_url The url we are supposed to send the webhook request to
webhook_secret The secret we are supposed to send with the webhook request to validate the request

URL Parameters

Please see VAST / Input parameters for more information.


The RapidStream API uses the following error codes:

The error response body will look like this:

  "status": "number",  // HTTP status code
  "title": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "detail": "string",
  "key": "values"      // Additional information about the error, 
                       // e.g. list of invalid fields
Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid - please provide valid JSON.
401 Unauthorized -- Your ACCESS_TOKEN key is wrong.
402 Payment Required -- You tried to access a paid resource without paying for it. Please add a valid payment method to your account in the customer panel.
404 Not Found -- The specified route could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a route with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
409 Conflict -- Some business rule cannot be applied - action declined.
422 Unprocessable Entity -- Your request is valid JSON, but some parameters are invalid. See response body for details.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting the API too much! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.